Happy Fourth of July!

(image: lovely indeed)

Hope YOU had a safe and happy and faaabulous one! One around tables covered in delicious food, surrounded by the ones who make you laugh and make you feel known… Or maybe just a good book to get lost in. Whatever floats your boat. (:

I know I’m a few days late on the fourth status, but I had an absolute great one so I wanted to share a little bit here.

Here are some photos of the day. I even (attempted) a home-made video:


Life of an Ad Intern: Day 2

Day two was INSANE. Let me tell you about it.

The Insane Story of Day Two:

I boarded the 8:00 am train (per us), found a seat, opened my purse to pull out my train ticket and realized that my wallet wasn’t in my there! -Along with all my cash, cards, train and bus tickets… I had a mini-panic attack unsure of how I was going to get through the rest of the day, let alone pay for the train ride I had already boarded. I was like… should i run off, should i stay on, should i lie, should i cry… I felt like I was in Italy again illegally riding those trains to Milan. Anyway, I rummaged through my purse and found a crinkled $10 sitting at the bottom, (lucky instance #1)  so I was like nice and I decided I would use that for that train! …And figure out the rest later.

So, the ticket master stepped in going around to see some everyone’s boarding pass. By the time he got to me, I explained to him that I had already purchased a monthly pass but accidentally left it at home so I didn’t have it with me that day, but I assured him that I ride that train every morning, yadda yadda wink wink pulls shirt down — no I’m totally kidding. He asked me if I’d be there tomorrow, and I responded yes, and he let that ride go. (lucky instance #2 — ticket master pulled through that morning. ps: i saw him again a later day and said “HI” and flashed my monthly pass in the air for a few seconds to show gratitude for the previous day… he didn’t remember who i was and sort of cringed for being so enthusiastic. end note). So I was like okay, I can use this $10 for the ride back home then.

AND THEN, the train was delayed. Like I said, I hopped on the 8:00 train which is supposed to arrive at 8:34…  BUT we didn’t get to union station until 9:40!!! Two trains broke down on the track and one of them had to be tied up to the train in front and dragged into the city. Our train just followed slowly behind that whole ordeal. It was a mess. Do you follow? Picture oregon trail on the train tracks, because that’s pretty much what it was.

When I found out the train was going to be delayed for such a long time, I panicked because I didn’t want to be late on my second day of work, and decided I would use that $10 to pay for cab fare. I emailed my supervisor letting her know about the metra delay and that I would be in ASAP. She responded by telling me to just take a nice walk cause it was beautiful outside. “no worries” she said. So I was like, okaaaay!  So I took that 30 minute walk to save that $10 for the train ride home like I originally planned. (lucky instance #3)

Then I came work, read some blogs, stapled all these packets (i’m becoming an EXCELLENT stapler, btw. I started to play this game to see how quickly i could get through packets… and the time is honestly pretty impressive.) So after I kept winning I got bored and lunch time came around. I had luckily thrown in some granola and decided to just munch on that to save monies. BUT THENNN, one of my supervisors came in and told me that there was a client lunch happening and that we could go out to eat on the company card!!! Just my luck. (: So, we went to Nordstrom Cafe and each enjoyed a $15 dollar meal. I got this amazing chicken pasta and a red velvet cupcake. It was freaking perfect. (lucky instance #4) Way to be clutch, havas. 

Then the afternoon is kind of a bluuuuur and the work day ended and , I walked back to union station, and payed $8.75 for the train ride home. What a day. Now all I remember is a blur of mini-panic attacks; but luckily, somehow everything aligned and it was a-okay. (:

Anyway. That’s my ridiculous story for the day. Now I will show you my outfit which has nothing to do with said story… HOWEVER, I am linking up with Mix & Match Fashion to daily document how I do biz casual. (: 


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  • PC STILL sucks. My eyeballs hurt so much from staring at this dim screen for 8 hours. And you can’t take screenshots. And you can’t zoom in/out with your trackpad.
  • It’s hard to type quickly with long nails. I should probably cut them because they keep sliding off these cheap, plastic keys and falling into the cracks in between. ESPECIALLY BETWEEN “k” AND “i” AND “f” AND “t.

