Happy Fourth of July!

(image: lovely indeed)

Hope YOU had a safe and happy and faaabulous one! One around tables covered in delicious food, surrounded by the ones who make you laugh and make you feel known… Or maybe just a good book to get lost in. Whatever floats your boat. (:

I know I’m a few days late on the fourth status, but I had an absolute great one so I wanted to share a little bit here.

Here are some photos of the day. I even (attempted) a home-made video:


Look Book : Emerald Green

     { Top & shorts: Banana Republic | Necklace and blazer: Forever 21 | Purse: Kate Spade | Shoes: Dolce Vita, Nordstrom } Happy Sunday, guys! Banana Republic Factory was having a huge sale this past weekend and I … Continue reading

CollegeFashionista News

I’m not sure if I shared it here or not, but I am now a style guru intern at the website, http://www.collegefashionista.com. The site is more or less a digital magazine showcasing the current street style on the nation’s different campuses. The whole site is written by and features only college students, so readers can trust and engage with the content.


I write for the ACCESSORIES REPORT column which comes out every Friday. My first report will go live this week. In the mean time, you can read my bio post right here:

Here is a sneak peek of the photo shoot for this week’s article:


Friday Five


Magical dusk at Barceloneta Beach.

This week was filled with several special moments, including celebrating a friend’s birthday, visiting Vicenzia, finding a new favorite cafe, and appreciating time for rest. I leave for Rome Saturday and friends of friends have graciously welcomed us to stay at their home for the night and even offered a ride to the airport. On Sunday, we leave for Greece where we’ll spend the rest of the Easter Break. Hopefully I’ll return with some color on my skin! It actually feels a bit strange that I won’t be celebrating this Easter at home. My church hosts a “passion week” revival and an extravagant Easter dinner each year, and although I can’t join them, I will keep this holiday in mind and be joyful nonetheless. Jesus has risen, people! Hallelujah! (:

Here are my five favorites of the week. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


Sail boats were everywhere in Spain and it ignited a new desperate desire in me to find a sail buddy. Where’s a Nolan when you need one? (“Revenge”, anyone?)


Coffee gelato + girl talk @ Amorino.

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We celebrated a friend’s 21st birthday with 21 gelato pops! (Scoops of gelato dipped in chocolate, then frozen) I tried the custard and mint — both were delicious. Now I’m looking for a reason to make my way over there and try more flavors.

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A new store has opened in Verona; it’s comparable to a Nordstrom or Whole Foods. The first floor is a sophisticated eatery complete with an oyster bar, sandwich counter, fresh produce, and more. The design is phenomenal and I found myself equally enchanted by both the food AND branding. I plan on copying this hanging clipboard design to showcase print in my future apartment. 

Happy Friday!

Sweet Treats in Spain

I love my American chained goodness, I do. But I adore how European cafes and restaurants all possess strong, unique branding. Or in Korean, “con-cept.” Little quirks – wallpaper, color combinations, type, presentation – when integrated to create one theme, have the ability to transport you to a new world.

My friend is currently studying abroad in Barcelona and was able to free up some of her time to show us around her city. (: Knowing my weakness for cute cafes and desserts, she led my roommate and I to a magical little dessertery called Pudding.IMG_5344

The entrance to a walk-in storybook. (:

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I wasn’t joking when I called this place magical. The strung lights on red/white really made the entire room glow and charming wall decor added to the surrealism. Artificial trees completed the storybook theme – I was just waiting for a trail of gumdrops to fall from the sky and singing blue birds to start sewing my clothes.
We decided to sit in the sun room so we could have more natural light and also people-watch through the window. Exhibit A:IMG_5361
PS. Do you see how much CAKE those people left on their table?! Unfortunately, the people escaped before we made our entrance so I didn’t get to see exactly what kind of people in their right mind would deliberately leave behind perfectly good cake. Lucky them, because some dirty, dirty looks would have been sent straight their way. Whoever can’t finish their slice of cake is weird in my book, AND SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED! Maybe even more so than people who don’t like dessert at all, because these people know better…  (We were THIS close to scooting over and rescuing the left over pieces. Spoiler alert: We didn’t. Yeah, that was kind of a low point.)
White chocolate mousse pie.
Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

How did the cakes taste? Oh, even better than they LOOK. Each bite proceeded with a loud, dramatic “MMM,” because it is impossible to enjoy your dessert without an expressive, “MMM.” Ya just can’t. Cake was not meant to be consumed in silence.
And the three of us together before we curtsied to the dog posters and said farewell.

Thanks so much for showing us around, Kristen! You were a lovely host. (: Check out Kristen’s blog here to follow her Spanish adventures. Her photos on food and landscape are reason enough to check it out. And the hot dog on the left? My roommate! You can read hers here, where you will find ample posts on humorous vignettes, honest rants, and even more odd, disoriented photos… I know she’s kind of socially retarded and weird, but she’s my friend. So, just promise me you wont make fun of her! (“Mean Girls,” anyone?)

Enjoy! XO.

Street Style : London

When I was in London last week, I kept coming back to the same conclusion. And it is this. (I suggest you go ahead and grab a pen and paper. To take notes. You ready?)

London thinks jeans are overrated.

Deep stuff, right? I know, I know. You’re welcome for that epiphany.

Everyone in London is stylish and beautiful and should be on the cover of a magazine. So if my camera and map in hand didn’t give away my tourist status, my lack of long legs and flowy hair probably did. And ladies? If you are single, SAVE YOURSELF. Because your husband is out there waiting for you… in London. And he has a chiseled jaw and perfect hair and he wears a suit. And he has an accent.

Back to clothes. So I decided to start doing “street style” posts to really gather, archive, compare and contrast all the different fashion I’ve been seeing across Europe, and now UK. I took majority of the photos with my iPhone to be a bit more incognito, but then my phone was stolen and along with it, the photos. 😦 Whateves, life goes on. I tried to snap some pics with my not-so-small DSLR.

London style:

  • No one really wears jeans. It’s all about leggings, tights, or leather. Complete with a pair of city flats or wedges.
  • Invest in a nice pea coat. Because that will make the world of a difference.
  • Accessories? Sunglasses, leather gloves, shoes.
  • Messy hair, don’t care. It’s WINDY in London so everyone’s hairstyle is bed head, messy buns, or loose waves

I think next time I’m just gonna go up to ladies/men in nice outfits and ASK for their permission before I take their photo. Til then, here are some pics of people who grabbed my attention and have absolutely no idea their image is floating on the world wide web.


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^ How creepy is THAT one??


Photo Diary : Brussels

Like most European cities, Brussels is infused with the old and new. There are chic neighborhoods with modern brands like Prada, Rolex, and Longchamp, but nestled between cobblestone streets just wide enough for one small Fiat and castles from a previous century. You’re not really sure what will be staring back at you with each corner you turn. Is that is the definition of an identity crisis or a melting pot? Either way, it makes for one beautiful city.
