10 things I learned in June


Each month, my favorite blogger, emily @ chatting at the sky, shares on her blog some of the things she learned that month. Some things are significant and impressive, and others are small and light. For this past month, she invited all of her readers to join along and share the new knowledge June has personally brought them!

So today, I am linking up with Emily and sharing the bits and pieces of things I recently learned. (:

10 things i learned in june

1. Always, always check the expiration date. When I first came home from Italy in early May, it took me a really long time to unpack. I left my suitcases untouched for weeks, and along with it, my sacred face wash. So I just used a random face wash I found under the bathroom sink, and I noticed that within days my face started to break out uncontrollably. IT WAS BAD. LIKE WHEN YOU ACCIDENTALLY PRESS THE WRONG SQUARE ON MINESWEEPER AND SUDDENLY THE WHOLE SCREEN IS FILLED WITH RED X’S AND IT MAKES YOU SQUEAMISH. DO YOU KNOW?

I could sit still for two hours, minding my own business, and next thing I know, new raging red bumps are invading my chin. So what did I do, used that effing face wash even more. I attributed the breakout to the fact that the US doesn’t recycle and my new Italian skin couldn’t handle the polluted air and water. (No, I’m just kidding, I just feel like I haven’t said any pretentious European stuff in awhile.) Anyway, but after about three weeks, I noticed one day six digits engrained on the bottle cap. And it read: 03/13/07…… THE FACE WASH EXPIRED IN 2007. Lesson learned, Biore. Lesson learned.

2. Pic-tap-go is the best photo editing app out there. It was the best $1.99 I have ever spent.

3. The OT is great and changed my June. (see why grace is so sweet)

4. Running isn’t that bad. I mean, it is in the sense that it hurts different parts of your body before, during, and AFTER the run, but it also releases a wave of endorphins and changes the way one perceives themselves in the mirror. So, I guess it’s worth it?

5. I have a bottomless stomach for Mexican food.

6. Everything, and I mean everything, is all about perspective. An experience is not innately “good” or “bad,” it’s how you look at it. And YOU have the ability and power to choose how you want to look at it. EREGO, YOU HAVE THE ABILITY AND POWER TO MAKE A SITUATION GOOD OR BAD. So, how is today? Is it good or bad?

7. Good coffee, good handwriting, and a good journal affect my mood. Like, a lot. It is what helps my soul BREATHE and if I go for too long without it, I grow anxious, frustrated, and out of touch with myself.

8. Home videos are so cool and I really want to get into them. My inspirations: lovetaza

9. God is my boss and no one else. (there’s a story behind this one.)

10. Tina Fey is great. That’s all.

see what other women learned this month here.

Street Style : London

When I was in London last week, I kept coming back to the same conclusion. And it is this. (I suggest you go ahead and grab a pen and paper. To take notes. You ready?)

London thinks jeans are overrated.

Deep stuff, right? I know, I know. You’re welcome for that epiphany.

Everyone in London is stylish and beautiful and should be on the cover of a magazine. So if my camera and map in hand didn’t give away my tourist status, my lack of long legs and flowy hair probably did. And ladies? If you are single, SAVE YOURSELF. Because your husband is out there waiting for you… in London. And he has a chiseled jaw and perfect hair and he wears a suit. And he has an accent.

Back to clothes. So I decided to start doing “street style” posts to really gather, archive, compare and contrast all the different fashion I’ve been seeing across Europe, and now UK. I took majority of the photos with my iPhone to be a bit more incognito, but then my phone was stolen and along with it, the photos. 😦 Whateves, life goes on. I tried to snap some pics with my not-so-small DSLR.

London style:

  • No one really wears jeans. It’s all about leggings, tights, or leather. Complete with a pair of city flats or wedges.
  • Invest in a nice pea coat. Because that will make the world of a difference.
  • Accessories? Sunglasses, leather gloves, shoes.
  • Messy hair, don’t care. It’s WINDY in London so everyone’s hairstyle is bed head, messy buns, or loose waves

I think next time I’m just gonna go up to ladies/men in nice outfits and ASK for their permission before I take their photo. Til then, here are some pics of people who grabbed my attention and have absolutely no idea their image is floating on the world wide web.


IMG_4694 IMG_4695  IMG_4697 IMG_4714 IMG_4715 IMG_4722 IMG_4735 IMG_4746
^ How creepy is THAT one??