Good Reads.


I was always a reader. My earliest memories are sitting on my parents’ lap as they read aloud “Junie B. Jones” while my chubby finger traced the words and turned the pages. In daycare, I remember an older girl teaching me with silly picture books during nap time. We pushed our cots extra close and got lost in, “The Stupids,” and “Amelia Bedelia” while our peers wet their beds and picked their noses.


My mom and I made weekly trips to the library and I spent hours browsing the book shelves, memorizing every book jacket and summary. Stacks of books came home with me to keep me company for the week. And they followed me everywhere — in the bath tub, before bed, while tanning, during long car rides, after tests. I usually tried to stick to the recommended lists, but I also allowed trashy reads and was admittedly addicted to anything and everything Mary Kate and Ashley Olson, including the Full House series, and later on, Jodi Picoult. This love and fascination for the world of words carried over to my teen years and my parents always scolded me because my eye sight was getting worse from squinting at small prints.


I haven’t been reading as much recently, but with all the down time traveling has provided,  I want to start utilizing it with some reading. (: So far, I’ve read, “The Kite Runner,” “Wait for Me,” “Work for Hire,” “Live by Ear,” and re-read, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” Those were all either a free Kindle e-book or lent by a friend. They were all fun but also just easy beach reads, and now I’m willing to spend some monies for more recent or substantial titles.These are some I plan to read next:

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I’d love to hear other recommendations! What’s your favorite book? Or what book are you currently reading right now?
