
One of my favorite aspects about journaling is that afterwards, you are left with a collection of all your old thoughts, agendas, and insights. Our ability to retain information and memories is slimmer than we’d like to believe, and a record of old words serve as a time portal back into the yesterday’s. Past journals offer perspective: a better understanding of where you are going and an attitude of thankfulness for how you have gotten there.

I looked back at all my journal entires of July on the train one day, and I was shocked of how eventful the month was without even realizing it. As I knew it, another month had just came and went. Weekends seemed too quick and workdays were too long, but as I read through my prayers and recollections, I was reminded of both little and big things that had taken place. I was filled with thankfulness and inspiration. It was cool. (:

Here is a peek at some of my journal entries: (click to enlarge)


If you don’t journal already, I encourage you try it for the month of August! If you have ever asked yourself if God’s hand is  present in your life, this might help you. Journaling forces you to slow down, and in those moments of reflections is when God’s presence is evident.  You see the promises the Lord has declared over you, and how they are personally manifesting in your life! God is always, always working, slow down or you might miss it.

Journal about anything and everything. (: Talk about the highlights of your days and your weeks, and even vent about the worries that consume your heart. Share your blessings and express your wishes. God hears all of it. I believe that putting language to your emotions has the ability to pull them from the depths and hidden corners of your heart, onto the surface where it’s accessible to be touched, processed, and communicated. And when you are able to communicate it with yourself, you are more able to communicate them with God.

Good luck! (:
I’d love to hear your journaling adventures, please share below.

look book: the maxi skirt

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In other news,  The Life of the Party chose me as last week’s fashion informant. The Life of the Party is a great fashion blog with weekly link-ups. Head on over to check her out, as well as see yours truly. Thanks again, Sherry, for the feature. (: Cheers!


profound findings on a saturday afternoon

So every once in awhile i’ll glance at my “site stats” which tells me all this information about how much traffic my site is generating, which posts generate more or less, which sites people came from and which sites they leave to. And also what they typed in a search engine to land here.

It just amazes me because every single day, WITH OUT FAIL, there is always at least one person searching for the “pantene hair commercial girl” — or some variation of those key words. And then that search leads them to my blog; well, specifically that one post that one time when i complained about balding…. yeah.


I don’t know what’s weirder, that every single day someone in this world is looking for the pantene hair commercial girl, or that they always find it on my blog! So one day I found this to be SO curious that I decided to google search those keywords. You know what, my blog doesn’t show up in the top five hits — it’s not even on the first page!

i don’t get it and i don’t know what to say.

but i guess i’ll say this: you’re welcome. you’re welcome, you daily anonymous viewers, in search for that pantene hair commercial model. You’re welcome for being that invaluable resource to you. I hope you found what you were looking for.

to read that post, click here. (or i guess you can just google search pantene hair commercial.)

Look Book : Emerald Green

     { Top & shorts: Banana Republic | Necklace and blazer: Forever 21 | Purse: Kate Spade | Shoes: Dolce Vita, Nordstrom } Happy Sunday, guys! Banana Republic Factory was having a huge sale this past weekend and I … Continue reading

CollegeFashionista News

I’m not sure if I shared it here or not, but I am now a style guru intern at the website, The site is more or less a digital magazine showcasing the current street style on the nation’s different campuses. The whole site is written by and features only college students, so readers can trust and engage with the content.


I write for the ACCESSORIES REPORT column which comes out every Friday. My first report will go live this week. In the mean time, you can read my bio post right here:

Here is a sneak peek of the photo shoot for this week’s article:


Good Reads.


I was always a reader. My earliest memories are sitting on my parents’ lap as they read aloud “Junie B. Jones” while my chubby finger traced the words and turned the pages. In daycare, I remember an older girl teaching me with silly picture books during nap time. We pushed our cots extra close and got lost in, “The Stupids,” and “Amelia Bedelia” while our peers wet their beds and picked their noses.


My mom and I made weekly trips to the library and I spent hours browsing the book shelves, memorizing every book jacket and summary. Stacks of books came home with me to keep me company for the week. And they followed me everywhere — in the bath tub, before bed, while tanning, during long car rides, after tests. I usually tried to stick to the recommended lists, but I also allowed trashy reads and was admittedly addicted to anything and everything Mary Kate and Ashley Olson, including the Full House series, and later on, Jodi Picoult. This love and fascination for the world of words carried over to my teen years and my parents always scolded me because my eye sight was getting worse from squinting at small prints.


I haven’t been reading as much recently, but with all the down time traveling has provided,  I want to start utilizing it with some reading. (: So far, I’ve read, “The Kite Runner,” “Wait for Me,” “Work for Hire,” “Live by Ear,” and re-read, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” Those were all either a free Kindle e-book or lent by a friend. They were all fun but also just easy beach reads, and now I’m willing to spend some monies for more recent or substantial titles.These are some I plan to read next:

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I’d love to hear other recommendations! What’s your favorite book? Or what book are you currently reading right now?




Just a Pop of Neon.

Some of my favorite trends this season? Cropped tops, delicate jewelry, asymmetrical skirts, and neon accents. I created an outfit incorporating all those trends, and they seem to complement each other very nice. It’s an outfit on a budget, too — most pieces you can find from F21 or H&M. Whatever the occasion, poolside or Saturday brunch with girlfriends, this is the perfect ensemble that will keep you cool and stylish.
Tell me about your favorite spring trends!
Just a Pop of Neon.
Forever 21 crop top / H&M denim jacket, $38 / Forever 21 / MM6 Maison Martin Margiela flat shoes / BCBGeneration neon handbag / Gorjana / Chandelier earrings / Kate Spade kates spade / Kate Spade kates spade / C. Wonder c wonder

Polka Dots in the Water


When we arrived to Barcelona, we were greeted with brisk wind and abundant sunshine. After all the rain and fog Italy had been receiving, it was a nice change of pace. We embraced Barcelona’s sun with open arms and decided to capitalize on its perfect weather by staying outdoors. We walked along the main streets, took a short boat ride gaining an incredible view of Barcelona gems, and then relaxed with cold cider on the beach.

To dress for the occasion, I wore bright, bold colors and paired them with equally bold prints — a polka dot collard tank and a cheetah print belt. Take a look:

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Churros con Chocolate


Spain’s most popular dessert is churros with a side of hot chocolate. Walk through the main streets and you’ll be able to find it offered at almost every dessertery. It is, however, more of a day treat, so when we were looking for the cure to our dessert fix after dinner (which was around 11 pm because Spaniards eat late,) no one was serving it anymore. We made just fine with waffles and cream, though. We’re easy.

We ate churros three times throughout the duration of our stay in Spain, but my favorites were the ones in Madrid from Chocolateria San Gines. The venue was recommended to us by a friend (and TripAdvisor), so we set time out of our day (before Taco Bell and after Starbucks — I know, the culture just oozes out of us,) to pay a visit. We ordered our own individual churros, but shared the hot chocolate. Hot chocolate in Europe is not like American’s winter favorite. It’s thick, with the consistency similar to rich fondu; and I’ve noticed most people use it for dipping, not drinking.

The chocolateria was beautiful – walls lined with b&w photos of past celebrities, deep green, rustic seating, rich, gold accents, vintage-inspired decor, and simple table setting.
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